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Дата: Понедельник, 02.06.2014, 00:26 | Сообщение # 1

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Andrey Fursov • The Current World Crisis: Its Social Nature and Challenge to Social Science

Дата: Понедельник, 02.06.2014, 00:37 | Сообщение # 2

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
Battlefield Ukraine

Many domestic and foreign interests coincided to create the Banderite coup d'état in Ukraine. Andrey Fursov, historian and sociologist, explains who needed what out of Ukraine and how the events of 2014 had been in the making for years. Also how Russia has been the target of the Western elite for 200 years, the disastrous Gorbachev & Yeltsin period, when Russia's assets were given away, and the Rubicon that has been crossed by Russia's defense of Syria and Crimea, which begins a new era of adversarial relations between the West and Russia.

04:30 Overview of the major oligarch clans in Ukraine : Akhmetov (mining & steel), Yanukovych (administration), Kolomoisky (banking), Firtash (energy).
Akhmetov backed Yanukovych, while Kolomoisky backed Yuschenko and Tymoshenko. Firtash works for the Rothschilds. Several more powerful domestic and foreign players in Ukraine. Kolomoisky is said to be the motor behind current events.

12:00 Foreign oligarchs have moved in to control large sectors of Ukraine. At the same time all the big western intelligence agencies have had a free hand since the late 90s (CIA, FBI, MI6, BND, plus one mid-east country), including preparing the Banderite underground for the recent take-over.

24:45 The under-recognized significance of the Lebanese diaspora and Hezbollah in South America and Africa, and how they have gotten in the way of the global hegemon.

28:45 The Banderization of Ukraine is an instrument to conquer Russia and weaken China, lest they become strong enough to challenge the Atlanticist hegemony.

37:30 While the West has been effective for years in steering developments in Ukraine, their Russian counterparts by comparison have been a pathetic failure and need to learn from the West.

43:30 In the last 200-300 years Russia has endured numerous aggressions from the West, while Russia conversely has done virtually nothing against the West. Western expansion is "aggressive" while Russian expansion is "defensive" (buffer).

49:00 The EU intends to bury nuclear waste on the site of Chernobyl, which in a few years will cause massive depopulation of Ukraine (or neighboring Belarus and Russia). The waste train is waiting at the Polish-Ukrainian border. It is speculated that Muzychko was assassinated for knowing too much about this.

53:35 Nato's genocide of pro-Russian Serbs by dropping uranium and infertility agents. Cancer now widespread.

58:45 A Rubicon has been crossed with the February-March events of 2014. Relations between the West and Russia have passed the point of no return. The gloves are off. Russia's "era of defeats" is over. The return of Crimea demonstrated that Russia will not only stand up to aggression but unexpectedly take the initiative.

1:00:30 Next steps for Russia: eliminate the fifth column, reconfigure the economic and social framework, leave anti-Russian international structures, take the initiative against the Western aggressor, and, finally, prepare the domestic population to be ready ...

1:10:43 Questions from the audience (68 mins).

Дата: Среда, 18.06.2014, 23:44 | Сообщение # 3

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Сообщений: 1
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Статус: Оффлайн
There is more Fursov videos on New Insight channel:

Battlefield Ukraine. Andrey Fursov

Questions & Answers with Andrey Fursov
Дата: Четверг, 19.06.2014, 22:18 | Сообщение # 4

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
jasom, it's the same video just dubbed in 2 parts. anyway thanks for your activity. please post here all english Fursov-related material you'll find.
Дата: Понедельник, 30.06.2014, 00:17 | Сообщение # 5

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
The following video was recorded just after Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009. In it Mr. Fursov discusses what was to be expected from an Obama presidency.

Дата: Среда, 18.02.2015, 00:58 | Сообщение # 6

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 10
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"The following video was recorded just after Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009. In it Mr. Fursov discusses what was to be expected from an Obama presidence" ©

Веб-страница недоступна или временно отключена. :-(

P. S. All (3) of them. :-((

=_ In Truth We Trust _=

Сообщение отредактировал Grek - Среда, 18.02.2015, 01:06
Дата: Среда, 18.02.2015, 13:22 | Сообщение # 7

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
Planetary Adjustment

Дата: Среда, 18.02.2015, 13:24 | Сообщение # 8

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
Andrej Fursov on Modern Politics

Дата: Среда, 18.02.2015, 13:25 | Сообщение # 9

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
The end of the Biblical project

Дата: Среда, 18.02.2015, 13:25 | Сообщение # 10

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
USA will fall, like Rome

Дата: Четверг, 19.02.2015, 01:03 | Сообщение # 11

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 10
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Статус: Оффлайн
Эти четыре в порядке. Вопрос - как долго они будут функциональны. Думаю, месяцев 6-8 (исходя из того, что те три были запощены в июне прошлого г. и работали незадолго до моей регистрации здесь). Кстати, почти такой же трабл с последующей дисфункцией видео с Ютуба "пару раз" встечал ... как правило на украинских порталах! (*)  ;-))

* Например, все видео с этого укро-англосаксонского портала (гл. Админ в Днепропетровске, сервер в Германии, конечный бенефициар в Лондоне и, возможно, в Адьяре, Индия) мне, например, не доступно для просмотра: http://chelas.org/?do=003.105411147969 ("пятерочка" Порошенко видна, но сам ролик не доступен).
Это - один из ранних роликов. Также не функционален любой вплоть ло последнего за 10 февраля года сего: http://chelas.org/?do=003.105511142223
Правда днепропетровский иезуит объяснет кому-то такой дисфункционал тем, что, мол, нет какой-там примочки от АдобФлэша. Но факт остается фактом, а верить ему (им) давно уж зарекся.

=_ In Truth We Trust _=

Сообщение отредактировал Grek - Четверг, 19.02.2015, 01:13
Дата: Понедельник, 16.10.2017, 16:35 | Сообщение # 12

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Сообщений: 1
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Hello to anyone reading this!  I am new on the site and thanks for welcoming me! biggrin    
I don't know how the forum works yet, but have a question and hope someone can help me with the following:-
I found an Andrei Fursov video on https://nstarikov.ru/blog/85575 -- here is the link to the video:- https://youtu.be/eecAxCBY65g -- length 2:21:24.  The video unfortunately has no English subtitles and wondered if it's perhaps available with English subtitles and where I can find it-- perhaps here on Mr. Fursov's site?  Thank you.
Дата: Понедельник, 16.10.2017, 17:29 | Сообщение # 13

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 122
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Статус: Оффлайн
Hello yachoticastile. Unfortunately only the few Fursov's speeches was translated in English. I'm afraid english subtitles to the video you've posted does not exist (yet).

For your interest, you can check youtube channels from videos that embedded above.
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